FINANCE Minister Pravin Gordhan says the legal proceedings against him have been "contaminated" by abuse for political ends."It is most unfortunate that the Hawks have, once again, chosen to initiate legal proceedings at a moment that appears calculated to maximise the damage inflicted on the economic well-being of South Africans and essential processes of government," Gordhan said in a statement from the Treasury.Gordhan said he would submit himself to a "legitimate process of the law" and reiterated that he would "co-operate fully and in an exemplary manner in the execution of all legal requirements that are placed upon him". He said his legal team had been in communication with the Hawks to "provide clear communication channels in the event that any further legal proceedings" were initiated. Despite this, he said the Hawks chose to issue the summons at his home on Tuesday morning and then at the offices of the National Treasury."Shortly thereafter, and again without the courtesy ...

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