As I covered the 450km from Johannesburg to the Brookdale Hydro in Nottingham Road, KwaZulu-Natal, I watched the Ultra Citys and Quick Shops go by, reflecting that since my stomach had become my number one enemy, these dens were out of bounds to me, except to fill up with petrol. Fully stocked with sugar, gluten, transfats and all the dairy concoctions I love but don’t love me, garage shops mean trouble. Best to take a wide berth and eat the padkos I had packed, and stick to still water.

“My gut has become like a troublesome family member,” I mused, foot on the pedal at 120km/h. “It’s perpetually in a state of uproar and overreacts at the slightest sniff of something it doesn’t like.” But like a family member or good friend, you can’t just cut it off. You have to tolerate it, care for it and take to heart the lessons about karma it is teaching you. For what goes around surely comes around...

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