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A recent photo showed former president Thabo Mbeki campaigning in the Eastern Cape, hoping for an 80% vote for the ANC.

We know it’s the heartland of the ANC, notwithstanding that those who live there can’t wait to leave for the Western Cape to escape the destitution gifted to them by their past heroes.

Meanwhile, in KwaZulu-Natal, Jacob Zuma seems to walk around with an on/off switch for political violence to use if something happens he doesn’t like (Political killings could rise in KZN, May 21) . We have seen before how a few hundred lives can be used to make a point. So, after 30 years of democracy, we seem to be back to tribal politics. Perhaps we’re lucky it hasn’t arrived sooner as in some other African countries.

President Cyril Ramaphosa seems above the fray, perhaps thinking about his prize cattle and whether he should buy another sofa. Somewhere in the back of my mind, however, I’m hoping those born free will ditch these old political dinosaurs and vote for a party that has their interests at heart. Or perhaps it's a case of the more things change, the more they stay the same.    

Bernard Benson,

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