The ANC was left in a quandary on Wednesday after the high court in Johannesburg ordered that its North West chair, Supra Mahumapelo, be immediately reinstated to his position despite a pending appeal. Mahumapelo and his provincial executive were removed from office by the ANC national executive committee (NEC) following violent protests in the province. A task team led by Job Mokgoro was put in place to run the affairs of the party in the North West. Mokgoro was also appointed the premier of the province. Mahumapelo approached the courts alleging unfair and unprocedural removal. Last week the court ordered that he be reinstated. In the judgment, judge Fayeeza Kathree-Setiloane found that the decision to disband the provincial executive committee was “procedurally unfair” and breached the ANC’s constitution, as well as the constitutional rights of the applicants. She found that the decision was unlawful and set it aside. The decision to appoint a provincial task team was also declar...

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