You may be exhausted from all the clickbait stories about artificial intelligence (AI) — its pros, cons, threats to jobs and humanity. But like it or not, AI is fast becoming a part of life in the exponentially evolving digital age and, as many of last year’s Hollywood strikers feared, it’s threatening the livelihoods of actors and producers in the film business, leading to a flood of lawsuits from performers, directors and entertainment companies.

The latest A-lister to take on AI is Scarlett Johansson, who in 2013, when our present reality seemed plausible but perhaps many more decades in the future, lent her voice talents to the character of an AI personal assistant named Samantha in director Spike Jonze’s critically acclaimed film Her. In that film, Joaquin Phoenix played the delightfully titled character of Theodore Twombly, a lonely future worker bee who falls for his phone’s AI operating system...

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