WILL South Africa miss a ratings downgrade by Moody’s in November and do government’s economic measures show a country at work or an untidy scramble? These were the issues at hand in this week’s Editing Allowed with Business Day editor-in-chief Peter Bruce and the panel of editors. Moody’s said on Tuesday that it was watching political developments in the country closely, and would downgrade the sovereign-credit rating only if the economy failed to achieve economic growth of more than 0.2%. Hilary Joffe, editor-at-large at Business Day, said that in watching the political environment in the country, Moody’s was concerned about whether the government would deliver on its promises for structural reform. Joffe said the medium-term budget policy statement on October 26 would determine what progress the government had made in achieving structural reform set out by Moody’s. She said she would be paying attention to the budget for two reasons. "Will government stick to the fiscal path and ...

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