Brasilia — The head of Brazil’s top electoral authority said on Wednesday that President Michel Temer would not necessarily lose power if his 2014 election was annulled on charges of illegal campaign financing because he was not the head of the ticket. A federal judge is expected to recommend the annulment in the coming months following testimony from executives of engineering group Odebrecht alleging 300-million reais ($96m) in illicit donations to the campaign, in which Temer was the vice-presidential running mate to Dilma Rousseff. Centrist Temer took over the presidency following the impeachment of the left-leaning Rousseff in May for breaking budgetary rules. If he can stay in power it could allow him to press on with fiscal reforms and austerity policies that have raised chances the country will emerge from a deep recession this year. Supreme Court Justice Gilmar Mendes, who heads the Supreme Electoral Tribunal overseeing the case, said a first ruling by the federal judge was ...

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