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DA supporters. Picture: Gallo Images/Lefty Shivambu
DA supporters. Picture: Gallo Images/Lefty Shivambu

Your reporter wrote an article in which the DA is quoted as telling voters not to write off the MPC (“Premature to write off multiparty charter, says DA,” May 23).

I agree with the DA, and with the ANC dropping below the 50% mark in the polls, the excitement is palpable. The MPC has a chance to change the game. Finally, we can get the failing ANC below the 50% mark and replace it with the MPC.

I have been closely following the MPC, despite the diverse views of the different parties, for the past year, they have been putting into motion coalition agreements to guide the parties. They have set in place values, principles and policies to guide them. We would be foolish to not stand behind this, as it is an effort to put in place a stable coalition government.

Let’s get behind this noble effort, and vote for the MPC, anchored by the DA, to ensure stability is restored to SA.

Franciska Remas

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