DEPARTMENT of International Relations and Co-operation spokesman Clayson Monyela is caught between a rock and a hard place after allegations of corruption surfaced against him on an investigative programme.Also, senior officials have distanced the South African government from a contentious statement he issued in response to Nigeria recalling its high commissioner.An exposé on eNCA’s news show Checkpoint alleged that Mr Monyela and a supplier to the Department of International Relations and Co-operation had dodgy dealings. Their supposed indiscretions were detailed in an e-mail exchange dating back to 2009.Although Business Day has seen the e-mails, their authenticity remains unverified. In the e-mails, the businessman asks Mr Monyela to guarantee "more and more regular campaigns" in exchange for financial assistance.Mr Monyela declined to comment, as he was "not doing interviews on this matter".His woes regarding Nigeria began on Tuesday when Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe ...

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