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1. Rolex calls time

Rolex is leaving South Africa after 76 years, but the Geneva-based luxury watchmaker says it will retain an official retail network. Rolex opened in 1948 in the centre of Joburg and in 1997 moved shop to Sandton, which it closes next month. It says “local markets and conjuncture have changed and no longer warrant the presence of an official Rolex affiliate”.

2. Smoke and mirrors

Nicholas Shakespeare’s laudatory biography of James Bond creator Ian Fleming has created some mild controversy over the spy writer’s claims of being at the heart of British intelligence during World War 2. One person not buying the story is historian Max Hastings, who says that for those six years Fleming was in charge of “in-trays, out-trays and ashtrays”.

3. Offsides

Once a favourite hairstyle among some South African men, the mullet has been disappearing in local hirsute fashions. Not in Australia, which hosted the world mullet championship in December and where a British army doctor won the title. Last week the Belgian town of Quiévrain hosted a mullet festival with 200 participants. Can Boksburg be far behind?

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