If ever there was a case for amending the Constitution, it would rest in those clauses that establish nine provinces with equal powers and responsibilities. Provincial government has been responsible for more financial waste, more corruption, more patronage and more misery than any other tier of government in post-1994 SA.OK, sweeping statements always invite trouble. There are no doubt thousands of examples of national and local governments doing equally badly. But if you lined all three tiers up and had to choose one to take out, it would have to be the provinces. There is no point to them. We live in cities or towns or villages and we are citizens of a country. I know of no one who identifies themselves as being a "Northern Caper" or an "Mpumalangan".So, it was heartening to see The Times reporting this week on the mayor of Mangaung, Thabo Manyoni, insisting that the provinces be scrapped and that many of their powers and responsibilities should devolve to local governments. Many...

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