Cape Town — Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown insists she die not lie to Parliament after the ANC said her submission to the legislature on the re-appointment of Eskom CEO Brian Molefe amounted to perjury. On Tuesday, Brown said she was ready to defend her stance on Molefe to the ANC. She announced that she’s instituted her own forensic probe into allegations of corruption at Eskom‚ which would be headed by a retired judge and would probe transactions and agreements going back 10 years. It also emerged that trade union Solidarity has claimed in court papers that Eskom chairman Ben Ngubane had written to Brown seeking guidance on the terms of Molefe’s departure from Eskom. Solidarity has joined the DA in asking the court to review and set aside Eskom’s decision to bring Molefe back as CEO. The ANC issued a hard-hitting statement against Brown and the Eskom board of directors on Tuesday‚ after they told Parliament that Molefe had not resigned but had been on unpaid leave when he...

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