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What’s your one top tip for doing a deal?

Describe your product with as much enthusiasm as you have for it.

What was your first job?

Driving a kids train at Pick n Pay.

How much was your first pay cheque, and how did you spend it?

R800 — which bought lots of CDs and a CD player with a double tape deck and high-speed dubbing. 

What is the one thing you wish somebody had told you when you were starting out?

Don’t try be someone you are not. Be yourself, and make your passion your business.

If you could fix only one thing in SA, what would it be?

Focus on what’s important to make South Africans happy rather than making them frustrated. 

What’s the most interesting thing about you that people don’t know?

I made a music mash-up of Bruno Mars and Michael Jackson and Bruno Mars loved it. Got almost 1-million views on YouTube — woohoo. 

What’s the worst investment mistake you’ve made?

Wasting time on finding ways to make money. 

What’s the best investment you’ve ever made? And how much of it was due to luck?

My wife. I was chosen out of 10 mates and I was the lucky one. 

What is the hardest life lesson you’ve learnt so far?

I am my own worst enemy.

What is something you would go back and tell your younger self that would impress them?

Dude, one day you are going to make waves. 

Was there ever a point at which you wanted to trade it all in for a different career? And if so, what would that career be?

No way.

If you were President Cyril Ramaphosa, what would you change, or do, tomorrow? 

Focus on the amazing potential of South Africans. Work for the people — not against them. 

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