People queue to apply for unemployment insurance fund benefits. Picture: GALLO IMAGES/NARDUS ENGELBRECHT
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John Dludlu’s most recent column refers (“More creative thinking is needed to defuse youth unemployment bomb”, October 11).

ANC ideology and tribalism (all the racist legislation that has been passed) prevents minorities from contributing fully in the economy. And worse, cadre deployment has destroyed the infrastructure necessary for a growing economy.

White skills, international connections and capital are not seen as a resource for the country to exploit, but rather to be suppressed.

Growing employment depends on the right business environment for growth, which is not possible under the ANC. Our problems are political, and poor policies are why our economy (and hence employment) is in decline.

Either you increase your ability to find employment, or you vote for the ANC — you cannot do both.

Ian Ferguson
Via BusinessLIVE

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