LETTER: Treasonous action

Where the accusation of treason truly belongs

10 hours ago
LETTER: Coalition could be helpful

With this format of politics will come more opportunities for new energy and solutions

LETTER: Promises will cripple economy

Financial experts warn us daily that public coffers are nearly empty. Who will pay for NHI?

LETTER: Too scared to agree

Let’s not get sucked into elitist discussions about the DA flag advert

LETTER: Misplaced outrage over fake flag burning

We have a country to save and I encourage fellow compatriots to vote against ‘doomsday coalition’

LETTER: Department has to answer for George disaster

It was the responsibility of the inspectorate to ensure the building complied with its regulations and laws

LETTER: Vote out SA’s broken government

If the masses cannot replace the government and limit the power of the financial aristocracy at the ballot box, our nation is a democracy in name only

LETTER: Oppose UCT’s anti-Israel resolutions

If the council adopts the decisions it will signal that it is more interested in stifling debate than creating a free space to further knowledge

LETTER: New apartheid policies destroy jobs

Can Ramaphosa not see that his race-based ideology is destroying competition and jobs?

LETTER: Journalists need to understand polling

Using available information on methodology to report more comprehensively would be a good start

LETTER: Dismal prospect of SA’s election

Unholy coalition government is possible and appalling

LETTER: Delinquent politicians have no vision

There are no statesmen in power who can transcend tribal fears and power plays

LETTER: Our niche could be organic produce

Exporting higher-priced agricultural products would be better than sending cheap goods to Brics members

LETTER: Beware World War 3

With Russia rampaging and Nato facing a crisis, it all comes down to the White House

LETTER: Jobs growth in Western Cape not ‘fake news’

Duma Gqubule seems to have been overlooked or confused many facts in his recent column