To hear the talk, in the darkest corners of KwaZulu-Natal, there is a great wailing and a gnashing of teeth going on that we urbanites don't yet know about. Perhaps the Zulu nation is in mourning as it prepares to receive its defeated, demoralised and disgraced hero, Jacob Zuma, back into the fold. Thousands await his arrival, to hear of his great betrayal by the devil Cyril Ramaphosa.Erm ... actually not. The Zulu nation is way too smart to be taken in by what will no doubt be Zuma's final, and possibly most schmaltzy, exhibition of martyrdom yet. People have been stealing from the Zulus for centuries. They know a rogue when they see one. So what we will see when he goes home to Nkandla will be a carefully arranged affair in no way representative of the mood of the region or the country.The fact is South Africa is almost beside itself with relief at Zuma's departure and Ramaphosa's elevation. It has been barely a week but the country is suddenly bursting with hope and ideas. No one...

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