Despite some challenges, 84% of women in tourism would recommend a career in the sector. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF
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In recent weeks South Africa has reverberated with the remarkable achievements of its women in sports, from the Spar Proteas securing the sixth spot at the 2023 Netball World Cup in Cape Town to Banyana Banyana’s impressive journey to the last 16 in the ongoing Fifa Women’s World Cup.

This spirit of women’s significance transcends sports fields and resonates across SA’s diverse society, even casting its empowering glow on tourism.

A survey conducted by South African Tourism found women are significant contributors to the tourism sector, making up 51% of the workforce, 45% of ownership, and most having served the industry for decades. 

It was revealed 39% of women in tourism have more than 20 years of experience, and 37% report higher earnings than in other industries. Despite some challenges, 84% of women in tourism would recommend a career in the sector.

Conducted among 364 women actively engaged in the tourism sector, the dipstick survey revealed a critical gap in SA’s approach. A glaring revelation from this study underscores the absence of a comprehensive database capturing the women workforce in tourism.

This absence constrains the nation’s ability to monitor and evaluate women’s advancement and challenges in the sector, thereby hindering a representative understanding of their journey.

Study results

The Women in Tourism survey aimed to capture the specific experiences of women in the sector. While the initial data presents an optimistic view, a detailed analysis uncovers a nuanced understanding of the respondents’ geographical distribution.

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" It is proven that companies that have 50% women in their leadership make more money "
- Julia Simpson, World Travel & Tourism Council President & CEO

Most of the women originate from the country's key economic centres, with 35% from Gauteng and 34% from the Western Cape.

The survey provides a varied perspective on women’s roles in the industry. The demographics breakdown illustrates that half  the respondents fall within the 36 to 50 age bracket, and 25% were aged between 51 and 60.

Financially, 15% earn less than R10,000 a month, while most, comprising 37%, earn between R10,000 and R30,000 monthly.

Women in tourism sector have a wealth of experience

The tourism sector stands out for its extensive experience base. The survey showed 39% of respondents have worked for more than two decades in the industry, and about 70% have more than 10 years of experience. Notably, a substantial percentage held higher education qualifications, with half having degrees or postgraduate qualifications. Conversely, less than 4% consisted of students or interns.


The survey uncovers the difficulties women encounter in the tourism sector. These span from disturbing experiences of bullying, racism, and discrimination — whether grounded in gender, age, or both — to more systemic issues. Respondents grapple with subpar pay, extended working hours and limited financial rewards, with the profession’s demands exceptionally taxing for mothers. 

The Covid-19 pandemic further strained the sector, worsening work-life balance struggles. Of concern is that women said their remuneration does not align with international benchmarks, they find their upward mobility restricted, and lamented a perceived shortfall in governmental backing for tourism-focused small enterprises.

Based on the feedback and insights collected, the survey suggested a range of recommendations, from advocating for equal representation in senior roles to emphasising work-life balance.

The study emphasised the importance of women holding authoritative positions across all ages and races. Their presence in decision-making roles is critical for instigating positive change.

As articulated by one respondent, the challenge many face is: “Not being taken seriously in the boardroom.”

This hints at the necessity of robust policies ensuring women aren’t left isolated in leadership positions.

What about the next generation?

Critically important is to promote awareness among young girls about the myriad opportunities in the tourism sector. Schools could include tourism in academic curricula, ensuring students understand its breadth and depth.

One respondent said: “There’s a lack of local travel-specific and internationally accredited education, especially in niche sectors like meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions tourism.”

Top takeaways from Women In Tourism survey:

Women are significant contributors to the tourism sector, making up: 

51% of the workforce

45% of ownership; and

most have served the industry for decades

The issue of financial support must be addressed. Make financial tools and resources tailored for women available in tourism. This should include grants, loans and initiatives to nurture women’s entrepreneurship.

The sentiment expressed by one respondent was clear: “Access to development funds is almost impossible for small, medium and micro enterprises.”

Respondents said policies supporting work-life balance are pivotal in an industry known for demanding hours. This includes flexible hours, comprehensive maternity leave, and childcare provisions.

One respondent said: “To progress men must adopt a work-life balance. Encouraging male employees to be involved in family time can significantly aid women’s advancement.”

Importance of gender equality

Women are calling for campaigns and initiatives that emphasise the importance of gender equality in tourism. The sector is responsive because on May 9 at Africa’s Travel Indaba in Durban, more than 100 tourism stakeholders signed the Inclusivity Pledge.

The pledge was signed by tourism stakeholders and businesses, government officials and non-governmental organisations. They are all dedicated to promoting diversity, ensuring equal opportunity and combating discrimination. The industry is uniting to create an inclusive environment where every visitor, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, can enjoy their stay.

There’s a strong demand to establish platforms promoting mentorship and funding women-led businesses. Such initiatives nurture a culture of camaraderie and support.

As one respondent aptly said: “Pairing women professionals with experienced mentors can unlock numerous growth avenues.”

Equally pressing is the need to actively promote and share narratives of women making commendable contributions to the tourism sector.

One participant said: “We need to uplift young women by highlighting the achievements of those who’ve paved the way in tourism.”

Given the current circumstances, an increasingly strong urge emerged to embrace data-driven insights. It is imperative to enhance data collection methods, a pivotal step in monitoring advancements and identifying areas for enhancement. By harnessing precise data, we can sculpt policies grounded in substantial evidence, reinforcing the principles of transparency and accountability. To comprehensively gauge the role of women in the tourism sector, it is essential to establish a national database that holistically represents women across all tiers of the industry.

Women in Tourism Programme

The recent survey underscored the significance of the Women in Tourism Programme. Established in 2013, it hasn’t just been symbolic but a catalyst for change in the country’s tourism sector.

With respect, recognition, representation and reward principles, the programme provides a platform where diverse women converge, united by shared aspirations. These principles have driven a transformative agenda, amplifying the role of women in tourism.

" In 2023, the World Travel & Tourism Council projects  tourism will contribute 6.8% to the nation’s economy "

The programme’s focus on networking, reducing barriers and aligning with similar organisations only accentuates its impact, shaping a brighter and more inclusive future.

The findings of the survey emphasised women’s indispensable role in the SA tourism sector. As the nation forges ahead, its women stand at the forefront, exemplifying this year’s Women’s Month theme “Accelerating socioeconomic opportunities for the empowerment of women”.

More women employed means bigger profits

During her address at the Women Deliver Global Conference in Kigali in July 2023, Julia Simpson, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) President & CEO, said: “It is proven that companies that have 50% women in their leadership make more money. This makes even more sense in travel and tourism, where women make the buying decisions on where to go on holiday.” 


In 2023 the WTTC projects tourism will contribute 6.8% to the nations economy. This substantial figure underscores tourisms role in crafting inspirational career pathways for young women. The trajectory of SAs tourism sector can only be altered when it is steered with the empowerment and leadership of women at its core.

This article was sponsored by South African Tourism

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