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CAPITAL APPRECIATION LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting of Capital Appreciation Limited held on 4 September 2024

2024/09/05 11:15:00

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                    Results of the Annual General Meeting of Capital Appreciation Limited held on 4 September 2024

Capital Appreciation Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 2014/253277/06)
Share code: CTA
ISIN: ZAE000208245


Shareholders are advised that the results of the business conducted at the Annual General Meeting, held
virtually on Wednesday 4 September 2024, are as follows:

                                                                           Percentage       Number of shares

Total number of shares that can be exercised at the meeting                   100.00%          1 310 000 000

Total number of shares present/represented including proxies at the            63.97%            838 028 093
meeting as % of voteable shares
Total number of shares present/represented including proxies at the            63.97%            838 028 093
meeting as % of issued shares

Total number of members present in person                                                                  4

Issued Shares                                                                 100.00%          1 310 000 000

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

                                For                  Against              Abstain                      Total
                                           %                       %                    %
                              Votes                    Votes               Votes*                      Votes

Ordinary resolution 
number 1 -              837 123 593     100%               0      0%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093                      
Acceptance of
financial statements

Ordinary resolution
number 2.1 -            837 123 593     100%               0      0%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Appointment of A.       
Dambuza as non-
executive director

Ordinary resolution
number 2.2 -            837 123 593     100%               0      0%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093                
Re-election of E.
Kruger as director

Ordinary resolution
number 2.3 -            837 103 593     100%          20 000      0%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Re-election of R.       
Maqache as

Ordinary resolution
number 2.4 -            837 103 593     100%          20 000      0%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093                       
Re-election of B.
Sacks as director

Ordinary resolution
number 3.1 -            837 123 593     100%               0      0%            0      0%        837 123 593
Re-election of V.
Sekese as member                     
and Chairman of
the audit and risk
and opportunity

Ordinary resolution 
number 3.2 -            790 474 874   94.43%      46 648 719   5.57%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Re-election of B.
Bulo as a member        
of the audit and risk
and opportunity

Ordinary resolution
number 3.3 -            790 474 874   94.43%      46 648 719   5.57%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Re-election of K.D.
Dlamini as a                  
member of the audit
and risk and

Ordinary resolution
number 4 -              825 737 825   98.64%      11 385 768   1.36%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Appointment of          
external auditors,
Deloitte & Touche

Ordinary resolution
number 5 -              682 906 792   81.57%     154 298 801  18.43%      822 500   0.06%        838 028 093
General authority to    
issue shares for

Ordinary resolution
number 6 -              773 389 006   92.39%      63 734 587   7.61%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
advisory vote on
remuneration policy

Ordinary resolution
number 7 -              755 154 177   90.21%      81 969 416   9.79%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
advisory vote on        

Special resolution
number 1 -              828 078 947   98.92%       9 044 646   1.08%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Approval of             
directors' fees

Special resolution                       
number 2 -              828 147 947   98.92%       9 057 646   1.08%      822 500   0.06%        838 028 093                                                                         
Repurchase of the
Company's ordinary

Special resolution
number 3 -              790 454 874   94.43%      46 668 719   5.57%      904 500   0.07%        838 028 093
Financial assistance                 
to subsidiaries and
other related and
interrelated entities

*Abstentions are represented as a percentage of total issued ordinary shares.

The special resolutions will to the extent necessary be filed and registered with the Companies and
Intellectual Property Commission.

5 September 2024

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited

Date: 05-09-2024 11:15:00
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