JSE Sens
2024/06/11 15:00:00Download PDF Stock report
Results of the Rights Offer ACCELERATE PROPERTY FUND LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) Registration Number: 2005/015057/06 LEI: 378900D514788C447E45 Share Code: APF ISIN: ZAE000185815 ('the Company' or 'APF') (Approved as a REIT by the JSE) NOT FOR PUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE EXTENSION OR MAKING THE RIGHTS OFFER WOULD BE UNLAWFUL OR IN CONTRAVENTION OF APPLICABLE LAW. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE OR FORM AN OFFER OF SECURITIES IN THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION RESULTS OF THE RIGHTS OFFER 1. INTRODUCTION Shareholders are referred to the declaration and finalisation announcements published on SENS on Friday, 12 April 2024 and Tuesday, 14 May 2024, respectively, wherein Shareholders were advised of, inter alia, APF's intention to raise R200 million by way of a fully underwritten renounceable rights offer to Qualifying Shareholders, of 500 000 000 Rights Offer Shares at a Subscription Price of 40c per Rights Offer Share, in the ratio of 38.59528 Rights Offer Shares for every 100 APF Shares held as at the close of business on Friday, 24 May 2024. The Rights Offer was fully underwritten by K2016336084 (South Africa) Proprietary Limited ('Underwriter'). The Board is pleased to advise that APF has successfully raised a total amount of R200 million pursuant to the Rights Offer. The Underwriter took up 135 059 908 Rights Offer Shares for a value of R54 023 963.20. 2. RESULTS OF THE RIGHTS OFFER The Rights Offer closed at 12:00 on Monday, 10 June 2024, the results of which are set out below: Number of Rights Value of Rights Offer Shares R0.40 per Rights Offer Share Rights Offer Shares available 500 000 000 R200 000 000.00 for subscription Certificated Number of Rights 0 R0.00 Offer Shares Taken Up Dematerialised Number of 364 940 092 R145 976 036.80 Rights Offer Shares Taken Up Total Number of Rights 364 940 092 R145 976 036.80 Exercised Number of rights available 135 059 908 R54 023 963.20 for Underwriter's portion 3. ISSUE OF RIGHTS OFFER SHARES 3.1 Qualifying Dematerialised Shareholders (or their Renouncees or the purchasers of their Letters of Allocation) who have followed their Rights and/or have been allocated excess Rights Offer Shares, will have their Broker, CSDP, nominee, agent or trustee accounts debited with the relevant aggregate Subscription Price and credited with the relevant Rights Offer Shares, on Tuesday, 11 June 2024. 3.2 Qualifying Certificated Shareholders (or their Renouncees or the purchasers of their Letters of Allocation), who followed their Rights, and who: - have an account with a Broker or CSDP and elected 'Option 1' on Form D of the Form of Instruction, will have their account at their Broker or CSDP credited with the relevant Rights Offer Shares, on Tuesday, 11 June 2024; - do not have an account with a Broker or CSDP and elected 'Option 2' on Form D of the Form of Instruction, will be issued a statement of allocation in respect thereof as soon as possible and will be required to appoint a Broker or CSDP to enable the Rights Offer Shares to be made available to them; and - do not wish to hold the Rights Offer Shares subscribed for in Dematerialised form and elected 'Option 3' on Form D of the Form of Instruction, the Documents of Title in respect thereof will be posted to such Qualifying Certificated Shareholders, at their risk, as soon as possible. Fourways 11 June 2024 Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor: Bravura Capital (Pty) Limited Date: 11-06-2024 03:00:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.