Pressure on suspended Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh is mounting with the DA laying criminal charges against him on Friday. DA public enterprises spokesperson Natasha Mazzone said the charges were based on Singh’s alleged role in a range of corruption scandals and dodgy deals at the power utility. "The DA has reason to believe he has possibly breached the Public Finance Management Act," she said. "The time has come for all of those who have seemingly contributed to the looting of our public funds, face the full might of the law." Earlier in the day, the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) laid charges of fraud, extortion, corruption and high treason against the director-general of the Department of Public Enterprises, Mogokare Richard Seleke at the Randburg police station in Johannesburg. According to Outa, and based on information gleaned from leaked Gupta e-mails, Seleke passed confidential e-mails from Eskom to the Guptas, inserted himself into state-owned entities’ d...
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